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Useful websites

We advise that you check the content of any websites before you allow your child to use them.


The linked websites are suggestions only as it is impossible for us to continually monitor the content of these sites.  The school is not responsible for the content of any external sites.

Please let us know if the content of any website posted here gives you cause for concern. Thank You.


www.theschoolrun.com (Great for definitions/explanations for parents).

www.bbc.co.uk/education (great for definitions/explanations for parents and children).



www.myminimaths.co.uk (Amazing for general practice, generates worksheets).

www.topmarks.co.uk (amazing for general practice through games).

www.sumdog.com (fun maths related games).

www.timestables.me.uk (a free online times table test).

www.knanacademy.org/sat (good for Y6 SATs practice).



www.grammar-monster.com (for all your grammar needs including tests and definitions to help understanding).

www.teachhandwriting.co.uk (good activites for improving handwriting).

www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zv48q6f (good all-rounder website).

www.topmarks.co.uk (good all-rounder website).

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